Chippenham Flower Club was formed back in 1962 and this year, 2022, has celebrated its 60 anniversary. Club Meetings are held on the First Monday of the Month, except Bank Holidays when it is the 2nd Monday of the Month. Venue is at Sheldon School Hall, Hardenhuish Lane, Chippenham, SN14 6HJ, doors open 6.45 for 7.30 pm start. Why not come along as a visitor for the evening, pay on the night, and enjoy a demonstrator arranging flowers and foliage from the Stage. All arrangements are raffled at the end of the evening. There is a Sales Table, Publications & Bring & Buy Stall. The Club enjoys outings, workshops, Annual Dinner. Practice Class evenings, where you can learn flower arranging skills, have a regular monthly meeting at the Pewsham Community Hall. The Annual Subscription is £45. If you are interested and would like more information, please contact Chairman: Mrs Dorryta Hayward, email: barryshayward@aol.com Tel. 01249-653322.