Holy Trinity Academy Calne Gets a Makeover

During November 23 and February 24 a large team lead by The Rotary Club of Chippenham including: rotarians, teachers, parents & grandparents repainted this main corridor and parts of the school hall. The paint was bought by The Lions Club of Calne.  The children and teachers of Holy Trinity Academy are enjoying the improvements

On the 16th of May The Mayor of Calne Cllr Robert MacNaughton, President Les Stiff of Calne Lions and Chippenham Rotary President Kate were invited to Holy Trinity C/E School to celebrate the work led by the Rotary Club of Chippenham to repaint the School corridor and part of the School hall.  They were joined by the Head Teacher Graham Shore and Gracie and Archie two of the children.  The Head was delighted that after so many years the corridor looked clean and bright for the children and the staff, Gracie Lambourne and Archie Vallis thought it looked nice and pointed out their pegs on the wall where coats and bags were hung.
This was a tremendous community effort with great impact for the school!